Next Steps

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Feel free to join one of our adult classes.  If you are a new christian, feel free to contact our pastor, Rev. Paul E. Meyenberg, at 940-781-5930 to discuss your needs/questions/etc.

If you or your child have not been baptized and wish to be, please contact Rev. Paul Meyenberg to discuss.


Christian service is more than just volunteering or doing good deeds. It is a calling and a way of life for those who follow Christ. The purpose of Christian service is to show God’s love to others through selfless acts of kindness and compassion. By serving others, we are fulfilling Jesus’ commandment to love one another as He loved us.

We have numerous ways in which to serve --

On the first and third Thursday of each month, we have a prayer team that meets at our church at 10:30 am.  At noon we participate in Senior Citizens Bingo which is held at the City Activity Center.

On the second Thursday of each month, we meet at Faith Refuge at 710 E. Hatton Road in Wichita Falls at 5:00 pm to prepare and serve a meal.

We continuously collect food items for Harvest Food Ministries in Holliday.